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Max Brockmann





I work in the interdiscipliary research project HESCOR under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Angela Kunoth. We model human migration since the last glacial maximum using partial differential equations on networks.  My current work is on

  • Creating migration networks using archaeological data
  • Describing and modelling population dynamics on networks

     HESCOR News:

Talks and Publications:

  • Poster: L. Perlberg, M. Brockmann, “Creating migration networks based on archaeological data using least-cost-path analysis”, Rhein-Ruhr-Workshop, January 2025.
  • Talk: “Multigrid Methods on networks: Towards Population dynamics”, Rhein-Ruhr-Workshop, January 2025.
  • Talk: “Multigrid method based on Finite Elements on Metric graphs”, Chemnitz Finite Element Symposium, Graz, September 2023.
  • Master Thesis: M. Brockmann, “Solving Elliptic PDEs on Metric Graphs: Finite Element Discretization, Multigrid Method and PCG Solver”, University of Cologne, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Division of Mathematics, September 2023.
  • Poster: M. Brockmann, “Multigrid method based on Finite Elements on Metric Graphs”, Rhein-Ruhr-Workshop, Feburary 2023.


Teaching Activities:


Gyrhofstraße 8b (Pavillon, 1. Stock, erreichbar über Eingang Gyrhofstraße 8a),

Raum 1.202 

Tel. +49 (0)221 470 6077

Fax +49 (0)221 470 4879


Sprechstunde/Office Hour:

nach Vereinbarung per Mail /by arrangement per mail


Postanschrift/Postal Address:

Universität zu Köln
Mathematisches Institut
Weyertal 86-90
50931 Köln