Dr. Anna Weller
Email: anna.welleruni-koeln.de
Research Experience and Interests
Ph.D. Thesis: A.Weller. Numerical Methods for Parabolic Partial Differential Equations on Metric Graphs, Ph.D. Thesis, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Cologne, 2024
Interdisciplinary research in cooperation with the “Multimodal Imaging of Neural Networks Group” of the University Hospital Cologne (Prof. Dr. Alexander Drzezga, Prof. Dr. Thilo van Eimeren and Dr. Gérard Bischof) and the Institute for Geophysics and Meteorology (Prof. Dr. Yaping Shao):
- Multimodal image preprocessing, network representation and analysis of the human connectome
- Modeling of disease burden spreading by differential equations
Mathematical Research Interests:
- Numerical solution of PDEs on metric graphs using spectral, finite element and finite difference methods
- Numerical computation of quantum graph spectra
Programming: https://github.com/AnnaWeller/MeGraPDE.jl
Teaching Activities
SoSe 2024: Seminar "Approximationstheorie von Neuronalen Netzen" zusammen mit Angela Kunoth und Lukas Schmitz
WiSe 2023/24: Seminar "Numerische Berechnung von Eigenwerten und Eigenvektoren" zusammen mit Angela Kunoth
SoSe 2023: Vorlesung "Numerische Methoden zur Lösung partieller Differentialgleichungen auf metrischen Graphen"
... frühere Aktivitäten siehe Übersichtsseite Lehre
Postanschrift/Postal Address:
Universität zu Köln
Mathematisches Institut
Weyertal 86-90
50931 Köln